Our Team

In the midst of the predominantly male-dominated business landscape of the Mentawai Islands, two passionate women with backgrounds in non-profit work dared to dream of creating a sustainable school that would empower local communities. Despite the initial intimidation stemming from the prevailing male influence in the industry, these visionary women, driven by their commitment to education, pressed forward. Their dream gained tangible momentum with the support of five local Mentawai women who not only joined as the board of directors but also stepped into teaching roles within the school. This collaborative effort not only made the dream seem feasible but also transformed it into a reality.

Today, Our Ocean School stands as a symbol of empowerment and resilience, representing the first female-only NGO in Indonesia. With all seven staff and board members being women, the school has become a testament to the strength of local women, challenging gender norms and providing a platform for education and opportunities in a community that risks being left behind amidst the expanding surf tourism industry. Our vision is to offer free education and open doors for the local Mentawai communities, ensuring they are not overshadowed by external influences, and that they play an active role in the development of their own region.