What we do

Our Ocean School, in partnership with the local community, enhances English language skills and employability through educational programs focused on eco-tourism.

Our goal is to empower communities and build local capacity for sustainable education and employment. We advocate for universal education and wellbeing, fostering collaborative relationships with stakeholders to promote lasting behavioural change and development.

Our programs include English language, swimming, surfing, lifesaving, and first aid training, vital for Mentawai's renowned surfing tourism destination.

  • With the opening of the International airport in Mentawai last year, it is expected that more than 50,000 tourists will descend onto the islands each year, creating rapid development from a very poorly developed economy into a major tourism hub.

    This is likely to present serious challenges for the local people, as only 5% of the Mentawai population have even simple English skills.

    With English language skills lacking, there will likely be a rapid influx of foreign workers and workers from other parts of Indonesia to take jobs. They are likely to displace the local Mentawai people and take the most well-paid jobs, creating a ‘two-tiered’ economy, with locals at risk of being left behind.

  • Our Ocean School follows the organisational values of accountability, transparency, and partnership.

    Our activities epitomise the universal human values expressed through local and global citizenship - empathy and compassion, respect for community, social justice and equity for all, economic, environmental and social sustainability, and a belief that we can all make a difference.

As a non-profit led by women, we dreamt of making a positive impact in our local community. We believe that if we focus on education, it can really help our community contribute to the fast-growing surf tourism industry around us. Our story is about being dedicated, including everyone, and strongly believing that education is the key to making good things happen!

As we start on this journey of change, our promise to support and help people grow stays strong. We're moving toward a future where everyone in our community has the chance to have equal opportunities and education accessibility. We hope this will empower individuals to acquire skills that enhance their employability and contribute to the growth of the surf tourism industry, as well as increase household incomes.

Janiece Walker

Our Dream

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

— Malcom X

Community Development Philosophy

Community development is about helping people to help themselves. It works by harnessing individual potential and transforming it through education and strong partnerships into just and sustainable solutions that build better futures for all. Huge possibility lies within each one of us, no matter how isolated our community might be, or how little formal education we may have received. The community development process is long and tricky.. but given time, dedication, and skills, it works well.

Empowering local communities and creating sustained changes in education and wellbeing requires local partners. Our Ocean School is proud that more than 90 per cent of our program staff are Indonesian nationals who work together with local communities, to bring about positive, sustainable education results while respecting the unique culture and customs of the islands.